
Pâte de Crevettes Et de Poisson

La pâte de crevettes, également connue sous le nom de Trassie, est un ingrédient particulier de la cuisine asiatique. Lorsque vous sentez cette pâte séchée et fermentée, vous n'avez probablement pas forcément envie de la manger. Dès que vous l'incorporerez dans un plat comme le Rendang, par exemple, vous serez étonné par la saveur que cette pâte de crevettes donne à votre plat ! Nous disposons de Trassie sous forme solide, mais aussi sous forme de poudre. C'est un arôme unique, qu'il faut d'abord apprendre à connaître !
Valider tout pâte de crevettes et de poisson

Tout Pâte de Crevettes Et de Poisson

5 produits trouvés dans Pâte de Crevettes Et de Poisson

CS 24 unités


  10 unités


  10 unités

Price per pieceMaepranom Kapi Shrimp Paste 24 x 100 g


CS 24 unités

Price per pieceMaepranom Kapi Shrimp Paste 12 x 350 g


CS 12 unités

Fine Craft of Fish Paste

The compelling flavor of ocean delicacies has a significant part in the Fish Paste, an essential household ingredient worldwide. Fish paste encapsulates the health benefits and exquisite taste of freshwater and seawater fishes, harnessed into a versatile condiment. It is known for its unique process of production - which includes careful selection of fishes, meticulous cleaning, and slow cooking initiation to acquire a bursty, rich flavor. Its high-protein content and low-fat percentage make it a healthy option, hence significantly adding to its appeal. An emblem of the culinary world, fish paste adds an exclusive taste to various dishes, offering a unique delight to the taste buds. The SEO strategy involving fish paste involves keywords like 'healthy condiment', 'fish product', 'versatile ingredient', and 'nutritious paste', arousing consumer interest and search engine recommendation. Known for its burst of flavor and perplexing variety, fish paste has etched a unique place in global kitchens, effortlessly intertwining health and flavor.

Unveiling the Rich Ingredients of Fish Paste

Our unique fish paste, a culinary marvel, is derived from the highest quality marine selections, providing a unique burstiness with every adequately portioned serving. We incorporate prime fish filets, carefully chosen for their freshness and flavor, anchoring our paste with an enticing seafood base. This pairs with a moderate yet incisive blend of salt that enhances and preserves the dense fish essence. Stir in the perplexingly health-boosting umami of our secret, all-natural seasonings, and you have an ingredient set for a flavor spectacle, replete with both nourishment and satisfaction. You'll relish the boom of flavor each time.

Preparing the Authentic Fish Paste

Unveil the artistry in preparing an exceptional Fish Paste, a cherished dietary staple across the globe. Begin with fresh, white-fleshed fish, diligently de-boned and finely minced. Add a dash of seasonings to imbue it with savory notes. Consistency management is key here. The mixture must be kneaded to achieve that desired springy texture, ensuring an experience of delight for your palate. This fish paste becomes the core ingredient for numerous dishes, promising a surge in gastronomic pleasure. Mastering this craft guarantees an unforgettable culinary journey.